
The are several purposes for combustion, including destruction of an unwanted biproduct or providing heat. The combustion is, independent of its purpose, often a vital part of a process. The combustion part is therefore often also important from an economical perspective. For example, does cheaper fuels also be of lower quality which could result in a higher emission formation and less stable operation. The options to reduce such problems or increase the efficiency will depend on the specific process. AEEC provides support in solving existing problems or to evaluate the consequence of, for example, a fuel switch or other process modification.
Many industries are putting a lot of effort in to reducing their emissions. Particulates are together with sulfur and nitrogen oxides examples of emissions that get a lot of attention. In some cases, it is possible to take primary measures and reduce the actual formation. When primary measures are not an option there are the possibility to instead use cleaning techniques. AEEC provides guidance in what the available options are for a given process.

Carbon capture
Capturing carbon dioxide from facilities combusting fossil fuels got a lot of attention in the beginning of the 21st century. The focus was initially on power plants but has expanded with time to also include other industrial sectors. During recent years has carbon capture from biogenic fuels, referred to as Bio Energy CCS (BECCS), also become interesting. With BEEC it becomes theoretical possible for a facility to achieve net negative CO2 emissions. With increasing ETS prices has carbon capture also become more attractive also from an economical point of view.
Several different capture technologies have been suggested, each with their individual pros and cons. The choice of capturing technology will therefore depend on the process. AEEC offers, based on knowledge and experience, to evaluate the available options to see what the best option for your process might be.
Environmental legislation and reporting
As a plant owner it is important to make sure that no environmental legislations have been breached. Part of this work consist of handing in the appropriate reports to the authorities. In addition, both processes and legislations tend to change over time. When needed, AEEC offers to review the current legislations and reporting procedures to make sure the requirements are fulfilled.

Research and development
Sometimes the demand for high quality data is higher than usual. Research and development projects are examples where the methods normally used for measuring and evaluation is not enough to meet the demand. The reason might be an increased accuracy or if data have to be collected from a new part of the process that is difficult to get access to. In either case can AEEC provide support in planning, performing and evaluation of such projects.